Sunday, December 25, 2011


So I've been watching all these amazing Christmas videos and feeling so GAH! I suck XD I'm actually trying to get this Christmas movie as we speak (First video on iMovie EVER!) but it's not nearly as good as anyone else's :P Anyways, I'm trying to get this done and then I'll do the last episode of S+D. After, I'll try and do some stop motions and then once my room's in place I can start a serie. I just feel like such a fail right now! Never any videos! Mer. So yeah mes apologias!

Saturday, December 24, 2011


So I hope you say my updates video (look it up if you want the low down) but I'm just going to say what's happening! It's Christmas Eve (Very early that is) and tomorrow I plan on getting my macbook (I WON MYLIKES!!!) I'm starting a new series when my room gets renoed entirely (AKA soon) and I'll be doing lots of stop motions over the holidays (Including a Christmas one tomorrow, of which I am cutting close O_O) Now here's additional news! So firstly Asia started a blog! It's called Something Always Happens in Asia and it's inspired by the many adorable doll bloggers like Sabine Bouchard, Piper Nicole, Sophie Amélie Moreau, Violette Petit-Desmaris and many MANY more! It's going to document her little life in pictures and words and it has to do with something else that I'll get to in a minute! If you check it out, you'll notice there are weird names on there... Those names are possible characters and also people in the *fictional* Asia's life. There's a real Asia, and a fictional one. The real one is the one you know, and the fictional one is for the blog and a possible series. Or I guess you could say they're the same Asia and she just lives in to universes? Nonetheless she has two lives. Now about the series thing, I'm at a crossroads. I CAN'T DECIDE! I'll be making a video about this soon but here's the scoop:
I can't choose between doing a funny series or a serious one, so you should comment/vote:
1) The Ballerina Project: A Serious show about a girl who moves to New York to dance at her aunts ballet company. It's a TINY bit based on something that happened to me recently as far as the drama goes, which you'll see, and it's just about dance, friends and bullies. A major inspiration for it is Starlightharp aka Asterietoile
2) Something Always Happens in Asia: A Funny show about an 11 year old girl named Asia who moves from Japan (Coincidence?) and starts a club for all the new kids at her school. She makes a ton of friends, get's into random stuff, has lots of fun and it's just generally pretty funny! It's inspired by the cute activities that the doll bloggers on here do, hence Asia's blog and it ought to be adorable! Very different from my regular series =P
Now talk about which you like in the comments! I'll have posters for them soon (Well the one for The Ballerina Project is already floating around) and make the video about them then! Once my room is done I can start! I'll be keeping Asia's blog up regardless if I do the series or not, and I'll probably get around to doing both of them eventually! Keep in mind that the episodes will be shorter than usual (~5 mins?) and because of that I can make the seasons way longer and make more stop motions with them too! YAY FOR VARIETY! Anyways tell me what you think! Plus I'll FINALLY judge the Peyton contest and finish S+D this break if all goes well!
Oh and PS, I accept messages on YouTube again and my formspring is gone! Sorry about the inconvenience =P
Bed time now!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

News and Un-Great Stuff

So guys I have lots to talk about updates wise. Allow me to begin. So I'm sure you've heard this a million times from me but I'm so stressed. Pulling my hair out stressed. As usual I have loads of homework and am finding myself having to work even harder at school to do well. My marks are dropping, dance is all over the place, homework is weighing me down and I don't even have time for friends. This being said, I barely have time for YouTube. I know I scarcely upload a video but I'm really trying and I'm sorry if I can't upload 2 per week. I'm aiming for at least 1. Not only am I constantly busy but I also don't have much of a place to film in. Today I went to Ikea to buy new furniture and when it came to getting a little wardrobe to keep the dolls in as planned for the past few months, my parents suddenly snubbed my plan and I now have literally nowhere to keep them. I owe my mom tons of money from travelling to Seattle, and on top of that I have to buy Christmas presents, and since my parents have told me if it's that important, and urgent, I should purchase it myself. Seeing I'm now literally broke, and trying to get my laptop, the doll room seems thousands of dollars, and months away, so I'll have to film in makeshift areas unless my parents let up. Cross your fingers. Now as for other things, I realize I have to finish the Peyton contest and reply to literally a thousand formspring messages (PLEASE I AM BEGGING PLEASE ONLY ASK ME A QUESTION IF IT'S IMPORTANT! I NEED TIME TO SLEEP TOO!) but until Christmas break I won't truly have any time to do it. Even then I have to study for finals (Like REALLY study) but I promise I'll find the time. I'll also have to wait until I have an actual doll room to start The Ballerina Project which is super unfortunate. I'll make stop motions though. I also hope I can make a Christmas movie. Anyways, I don't want pity or anything, I just want everyone to understand why I can't be on and making videos 24/7 as much as I'd like to. I have a lot going on so sorry about that. Hopefully next semester will be a little more settled down. Sorry again!

Friday, December 2, 2011

New Layout

So guys a quick post, YouTube has a new layout and I'm sure they'll force us all to change soon, so I changed in advance because my background fit. Anyways, we all like layout backgrounds but the old layouts don't fit because we can't make anything transparent, so I made a new template. You can just save this one here and the grey part will remain hidden so you can just decorate, colour change and edit this layout to your heart's content! Enjoy! =) Also, in order for it to fit, be sure to copy and paste the image (PC is right click, copy image, then paste into paint, and mac... I'm not sure =/) into your photo editor because saving it could distort the size!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I don't understand people.

I know I've made a lot of long winded speeches about hate and bullying but it's been touching on me and everyone again and as usual so I just want to say something. I just don't get people, and it seems like half the time I don't like them either. I live my life by 2 main little rules:
1) Do not steal. (There's this whole thing about killing is stealing away a life and blah blah read the Kite Runner and you'll see)
2) Just be nice and try and make everyone's day a bit better.
I'm going to talk about rule number 2. We have 1 life and we want it to be incredible. I try not to let sad things get me down because what's the point in being upset? I'm just losing precious minutes of life to something terrible. So here's the thing. I don't like to hurt people and I want everyone to like me. I have a fear of not being liked. When I can tell somebody doesn't like me, I go out of my way to make them think I'm a good, likable person. That's not the only reason I'm nice though. Everyone really should be happy. There are many things we want in life but I'm going to tell you a secret: on 11/11/11 11:11 I wished for happiness. That's all I want. To be happy. I don't care what it is that makes me happy as long as I'm happy. So I do not understand why people love to hate. Anyone who loves to hate should have not been born. What good does their hatred do? It just makes people spend their precious lives in tears and distress. Just be kind to people. There are other joys to life than hating. Let me get to my point: stop hating on the internet. Because you're reading my blog, I'm going to assume this doesn't apply to you, but this is just a tip for life. All because you have a keyboard does not make you some big deal. Would you say something completely hateful to a young girl to whom you've never met before on the street? No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't just walk up to her and say, "You're an idiot" because that's real life. You don,t have the guts to do it. But oh no,on the internet you're suddenly a huge deal and can bully whoever you want because you don't know them and it doesn't matter. But here's the thing: it does. Imagine that kid reading your comment. Sitting in their bedroom, reading it and thinking they aren't worth anything. Why would you do that? Of course we all come across a lot more positive things than negative but the negative stand out. Up until about a year ago, I thought AGTube was the best place EVER. Why? Because nobody hated and nobody judged. Now it's everywhere. I can't say a thing without some critical and useless response that I remember. It makes me want to leave. I wouldn't because all the wonderful people are too great to leave, but lately all the hate is just making me want to quit now. Don't worry I won't, it's just a thought. I don't like the people who deal with problems in a negative way. I don't like the people who say "I'm rude, get used to it." Because no, I won't. I don't deserve you're rudeness. Nobody does. I shouldn't have to waste my life putting up with you and nobody else should either. I have 100 years or less. I'm just kicking you out of life as I know it if that's you're attitude. Nobody likes someone who doesn't know how to treat people. Oh and speaking of treating people, putting "Not to be rude" or "No offence" beside something rude or offensive, does not make it kind or inoffensive. If you think it's rude or offensive, chances are it is, so if you don't mean it that way, don't post it. I just don't see how people can just be mean to somebody they've never met. People have claimed to HATE me over the internet. I've never MET YOU. Did I kill your family? No I didn't. That would break #1 of my moral code. You can.t just hate me because. In fact those people who do hate me actually usually haven't even talked to me before but have been told to hate me by someone else, or just decide to because since I am slightly popular on YouTube, that means I can't feel and hating doesn't matter as long as it makes them feel better. I started at 0 too and I made this myself. You can do it just as easily. I'm lucky people in real life are great to me. I go to such a great school, because I haven't been bullied in 4 years and it wasn't even severe. I'm happy at school, but when I get home I'm AFRAID to check YouTube. Haters are making me afraid to do something I love. I'm afraid of haters. I don't want to have to deal with them. So from here on out, I'm just ignoring them. I'll let all of you great girls down vote them to the very bowels of the earth until they melt in a pool of lava. Don't even bother saying anything to them, I appreciate it so much but I'd hate to see anyone get caught up in a war over me. Just down vote it and it's over. Thanks for the thought though <3 Anyways the point is hate may be in human nature, but let's break it. Hate is just a waste. I had such a good day until I logged on to see several hate comments. One even said "My sister thinks you're a terrible photographer but I think you're really good." I have nothing against this girl, I think she's lovely for being so kind to me, but I doubt her sister watches my videos and she just judged me then and there and hated me. I don't know who she is but she thinks I'm terrible. It's not a big deal but it does hurt a little. What can I do? I'm doing the best I can with my tools I can afford, and I don't take it to heart too much, but it hurts. People forget I'm human sometimes. I just brushed my teeth. I'm sitting on a mattress in my brothers room because I don't currently have a bedroom. A tree in my yard fell onto the road last week. Normal things happen to me. I'm normal. At school, I'm exactly like everyone else. You couldn't pick me out of the crowd. So treat me and treat everyone else like a human. Treat them how you'd treat yourself. Stop hating and bullying and stop making people ashamed and afraid to do what they love. Stop putting strangers down. It just adds more horror to the world as if we need more. be a light shining on the planet to make things brighter in a dark time. Our world is currently in hateful distress, so why can't we all just stop and be happy. Everyone hates. I just don't get it. Tomorrow, don't be jealous. Don't hate. Make it a goal to put a smile on a strangers face. Just make the world a little awesomer. Also if you did forget that I'm human, here's a very human picture of me dringking juice after a dance competition in a hotel:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why I don't film during the week

So I just kinda thought I'd post this. There are two reasons why I don't/can't film during the school week. I'll tell them now:
1) I don't get home from school until 4:30, and then I have dance and homework and chores and renovations and just not a lot of time to film.
2) By the time I get home from school, it's pitch black out and I can't use natural lighting and it looks terrible so I don't.
In the end, I make videos on weekends and Friday's because I get out of school early. This is a stupid and short and blatant post, but I just felt like posting because I haven't in forever, and it's just kinda an update. I'll post something real this weekend XD

Monday, November 21, 2011


So I don't know if you read the descriptions of my videos, but in one I mentioned that The Ballerina Project may not be out for a while. This is true. Why? Because my room's being renovated! Right now it's totally empty save for a mattress and alarm clock as well as a few other things because I'm about to tear out my carpet, scrape the ceilings, repaint the walls, get new floors, new closet thingies and new furniture, INCLUDING A NEW DOLL ROOM! That's why I'm holding off on the room tour. So my room (And soon my whole house) is a construction zone and I don,t really want to start a new series until my room is settled which should occur soon enough! Don't worry though, I'll still make music videos and stop motions, just no series yet! Oh but Search + Destroy will still end! One other thing, please remember, I make videos on every weekend. So everyone should stop asking me "WHEN WILL YOU HAVE A NEW VIDEO!?!?" minutes after they watch a brand new one that I just uploaded. I only have so much time! Videos will come, no need to ask. And they'll come regularly! I appreciate the enthousiasme but it can be every so slightly erking XD Anyways, see you soon with more videos!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


So before you ask, the video all about AGP Seattle will be up in a day or so as I'm not home yet and since all my pictures will be there I'm not going to put any on this post, but let me tell you about yesterday! OMG. Okay. SO it was amazing. The day began with meeting Hailee and Alex (AmericanGirl077 and AmericanGirl088) for breakfast, but of course I'd seen them the night before. Then we set off all together and drove practically screaming to AGP! Then we ran screaming to AGP and there were girls carrying dolls EVERYWHERE! It was so crazy to see them all! So we went inside and then or moms took some pictures of us, but not 2 minutes inside and we met littlemissfigureskating! She was in line and she turned and her eyes lit up and she was so excited and we were so excited and we got some autographs (given and taken) and I got pictures with her and we all did and gaaaah it was exciting! Then we got Asia and Lanie's ears pierced and went off to pick out our new dolls! At first we were all undecided, that was until Nicole (Littlemissfigureskating) told me Cécile and Marie-Grace were 25% off! That was it, Cécile was mine! Oh I rewigged Quinn and swapped her with Liberty Jane clothing's Nicolette so she now has long wavy brown hair and looks very different from my little Céci!So anyways, I picked Cécile, and Alex and Hailee ended up with completely different dolls! Curly blonde Olive, and stright blonde Taryn! In fact nobody ended up with a doll that they were even thinking of buying but we all love our dolls! Anyways, we went on to meet 3 more girls then it was off to lunch! American Girl Place Bistro was incredible! The food was delicious and warm and came super quickly and the wait staff was quick and so kind and didn't treat us like we were weird! In fact nobody did! Felt good to carry around the dolls and not care about who saw! So we had a birthday party for Hailee, and ended up getting delicious cake, and goodie bags, and little dolly crowns! They even sat in cute chairs around the table and got tea cups! So our moms came by and stuck around a while, and left. Then we were actually approached by an adorable girl in the café and did so more pictures and stuff! So we leave the bistro and there was literally a line of people waiting for us! I got tons of photos and autographs and moms asked us questions and it was so positive and wonderful! So we kinda went off to count our things when our moms came back for good and we bought everything then bam, mobbed. We took up way too much space with people coming from nowhere saying hi and it was amazing! We made quite a spectacle in AGP actually! And then Liberty Jane Clothing arrives and it was so fantastic! Libby kept giggling and it was adorable and we got tons of pictures and there was a live stream to facebook and then the AGP security guards ushered us off to the events zone (OMG I KNOW RIGHT?) where we finished up and went on our way home! We got a ton of adorable outfits (pictures when I'm home) And it was so incredible to meet everyone! People even asked who we were and we actually introduced new people to AGTube and they were all super excited to hear about it! YAY NEW AGTUBERS! Anyways, it was the best day ever and I hope this can happen again and I can meet everyone! thanks for reading!

Friday, November 11, 2011

People these days.

So I'm actually never posting an updates video, or even talking about an update on YouTube anymore. Why? Because any time I saw absolutely ANYTHING, I'm criticized and almost feel bullied. It's so out of hand that it makes me hate logging on everyday. SO just tell people to read this blog if they wanna know what the heck is going on. I'm only uploading entertaining videos from now on. What I mean is when I talked about AGUnicorns, everyone was obsessed with popularity and offended, and suddenly I was being scapegoated for being "popular". Here's the thing guys, you cannot blame someone for having a lot of subscriptions, and you can not give them special treatment or leave them out because of it. When I one the Liberty Jane contest a year ago, everyone freaked out and said I only won because I was "popular". So does that mean I'm not allowed to enter because of my subscriber count? That's exactly the same thing as not allowing someone to enter because they don't have any subscribers. Why are they so important to everyone? It's just a number! People work for what they get, and with enough effort, anyone can have as many as they want! It doesn't make anybody different and so stop trying to exclude people from things because you feel it is unfair that they are "popular". I've been working 3 years on here and suddenly I don't deserve anything anymore because of it? Anyways, about AGUnicorns, people started putting words in my mouth saying that I only care about the "famous" people. Did I ever say that or show any evidence of that? No way. Why? Because I don't think that at all. I'm also attacked for having friends. Ooooh I get it, because I'm "popular" I'm supposed to spend my days here alone, and enslaved for everyone else. Gotcha. Moving on, I was also brutalized for speaking out against another "popular" YouTuber. I'm honestly done with her because of the uproar but apparently she's the only good and kind "popular" person out there and if you dare step on here toes, you are led off to the steak to be burned. That was me. Because I'm kinda "popular" that means I'm jealous, mean, a horrid, uncaring, unsympathetic person who hates everyone and should be hated back. Because I mean by making fun of their goddess I totally made fun of them right? Yeah I totally bullied them, so it's okay to attack me right? Yeah it's because I'm "popular" and don't hate emotions. Going on, when I realized that I could no longer stay up for hours replying to messages, I came up with a new system that would allow people to still contact me, but it would be easier. Yeah, they may have to dig a few minutes for their messages, but I could've been a brat and cut everyone off completely. Of course that's what they're acting like. I've gotten so many comments from people saying that I've "broken their hearts" because I unfriended them. Here's the thing. Having me in a little box on your channel does not mean that we aren't friends. I'm friends with anyone who is kind to me and wants me to be their friend! It's a stupid list, and I didn't take you off it, I got rid of it. I don't need to have a list to know who my friends are and it honestly makes everything so much more difficult. But people can attack me for removing them. After all, I deserve it, I'm "popular". "Popular" people deserve to be harassed for trying to make their lives a little tiny bit easier. Sorry I enjoy sleeping and the great outdoors. I'm also sorry I go to school and dance and do a billion other things. I'm sorry that I didn't add 4 more hours to the day and I'm sorry that I removed this list that apparently means the world to everyone. No wait, there's more! I then posted a short video offering to make people customized tees for their dolls as I had a zillion tees left over an a debt to pay. Automatically people were commenting EVERYWHERE saying that I don't make good videos anymore, only ones advertising things that I sell. This was after I'd just uploaded Search + Destroy and my dolloween movie. I work freaking hard on these videos and I can't get 6 up a week. 1 or 2 is my maximum, and because I put in effort. However apparently that isn't enough for everyone and the fact that I dare upload this video means that I'm no longer worth watching. That's cool I guess. I'll just be putting up new videos, and you can unsubscribe or whatever... That is another reason I will not make updates videos. It obviously means that I no longer make anything good, and I can totally slave away at a million videos a week because I'm "popular" now. There's more, just wait! So I've been off all week because of school, and I log back on to find my homepage completely renovated, and bizarre. The layout is all showing popular videos on YouTube, and my subscriptions obnoxiously show everything that anyone I'm subscribed to ever does, i.e. favouriting, liking, subscribing and commenting on videos. Ones that I'm not really interested in for that matter, and getting to see their actual videos is impossible. Apparently I'm the only one with this problem, because I put "New YouTube O_O" as my header thinking that everyone would know what I'm talking about, when in fact they did not. Apparently, I'm making a new YouTube account, and this makes me dramatic. I got not one, but TWO comments talking about how all I do is create drama and a bunch of other stuff as to how I'm wrecking AGTube. I didn't know I was wrecking it by being there, and I didn't know that so many people had such hate for me stored up in them. I try and treat everyone as nice as possible so that nobody dislikes me and I'm on good terms with everyone, but apparently not. I don't know what I did to this girl, but my innocent header turned into a reason to talk about is how I cause drama. No, I do not go out and start fights. People start them AGAINST me on MY own channel. So of course I'm dramatic, because people like to create it all about me. Makes a lot of sense. Moral of the story...
1) Stop being an idiot and looking for a fight one day, then complaining about drama the next.
2) Leave people alone if all you want to do is disagree and hate on them.
3) Let people make videos at their own pace.
4) Stop taking things to offence so easily.
5) Stop caring about being popular and popularity. Obviously it brings a lot more problems than good.
6) Let's just have fun. Everyone says that and nobody means it. I seem to get a lot more "LET US HAVE FUN AND STOP CREATING DRAMA" messages daily, which coincidentally create non existent drama. Just everyone calm the heck down and actually have fun. Talking about drama only creates it. And if you have to have it, leave me out of it.
Sorry if you hate me too, I didn't know. Thanks for reading the rant everyone. Perhaps it will give you a little look at what I deal with because I have more subscribers than a lot of girls... And thanks for being epic and reading this far! GOING TO SEATTLE THIS EVENING =D VLOG BEGINS THEN!
Peace, Ali

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


So I need a wittle itty bitty bit of help... I get waaaaay to many messages. Here's the problem: Currently I have 397 messages and literally no time to reply to them as it will take a solid 2 hours to do and as I reply I just keep getting more and then I usually have to reply to them extremely late at night so I don't get more and more and am busy all day having endless conversations with people when I could be doing a trillion other things. The thing is, I absolutely HATE it when people don't reply to me so I don't want to be that girl who's too cool to reply. The biggest problem is how 80% of my messages are people either saying hi, asking me to subscriber/watch their video or having a conversation with me. I love to talk to people but these messages are so out of control that I can't even keep up with 30 conversations. I want people to be able to contact me so simply not replying is out of the question, and I don't want people to think I'm not replying to them on purpose so I may have to remove most of my friends and then keep it on friend lock so nobody can talk to me anymore. The problem is, I can't make it impossible for people to contact me, so I was considering using a secondary website to answer messages to make it slightly more difficult. My first plan was to use formspring, seeing that people can ask me questions (or message me) without having an account, and can simply tell me who they are if they don't have an account, or if it's a more private message, not say who they are at all, because nobody really needs to know to have the question answered. Otherwise it would be right on the page. Wait you can do that on formspring right? I'm not really concerned about hate, and I'm thinking of going with this but I'd just like to know if anyone has any other ideas. I don't want someone else to answer my messages, I don't want to just delete them all and sift through to find the important ones, I want people to be able to talk to me if necessary, and I don't want it to require another account, so please keep that in mind when suggesting. I'll make a video about it when I come to a decision, but I really need to cut down on the messages. Anyway, please suggest! Also, in the comments, tell me, do yo prefer the moderator box on my channel or the comments box? Thanks!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Multipurpose Post

So I'm making this all rolled into one because I have several things to say. Allow me to begin:
So I feel the need to explain something about video requests. I'm all for video requests because sometimes I just don't have ideas! (However, right now I have a lot and I'm just waiting to be done Search + Destroy and my Halloween movie to do them) However, there are 2 that are highly requested, that I completely intend to do, but I can't right now. Well I can, but it'd make more sense to do later. These are
-Doll Room Tour
-All My Dolls
Now I'm definitely going to do these, just not until I'm fully prepared. I'm getting my new and final doll in 2 weeks, so I figure it'd be best to do an all my dolls video, when I have ALL my dolls. As for the room, we are literally JUST starting to renovated our house, (we ordered new floor! YAY!) Which poses some difficulties as I'll need to film around my destroyed house, but it's also good because my dad is helping me build this doll shelf thing that will be epic and my doll room is just SO repetitive right now, so why not wait until it's all cool and awesome? So when I have that, those requests will be fulfilled.
Now here's some info on Seattle. Firstly, Mason is going up on eBay tomorrow (There will be a video with a link) starting at 85$ which is quite inexpensive for a virtually perfect and unused doll with brand new hair, who is also a custom boy who comes with pictures. I hope it gets up to 200$ because then I could get my new doll in Seattle as well as some clothes for everyone! HOPE HOPE HOPE! Also I know I made a video about this, but I'd just like the info to be on here:
I will be at AG Place Seattle on Saturday, November 12th, 2011, at 1:30pm for an hour and a half to 2 hours. It'd be great if you can go! It'll be fun either way but more fun with people there! I can confirm that AG077 AG088 and LibertyJaneClothing will be there too! I AM SO EXCITED!!! So new doll there and Mason will be funding that! BID!
Lastly I've been philosophizing yet again and I thought of something... Everyone's so focused and intent to getting AGTube back to the old ways but I honestly don't think that's the best way to go about it. The best way to go about it is forget that we've changed, forget talking about it and just be on YouTube and make videos and friends and be kind. If we stop trying to force people to change and talking about changing and just do it and forget about all the rough times, we'd be okay and happy again. So guys, let's just have a good time, and things can go back to normal. Thank you so much for reading! I've heard of so many people changing their perception of dolls and what's too old over the last post, including people coming back and loving their dolls again =) Makes me smile. Much Love-

Friday, October 28, 2011

The sadness of the community...

So I'd like to begin this post with a little memo that has little to do with the post. I never EVER left permanently and just needed some time away to get away from the hate comments, and need to reply to them, and honestly neutralize the situation by taking away the subject of the hate. So I came back earlier than planned in honour of Dolloween (Who could miss THAT?) to upload my movie soon. Also I'm babysitting right now, the kids are asleep and I'm utterly bored... So now on to the point of this:
Lately we've all noticed 2 things:
1) The recent outbreak of people leaving YouTube.
2) The recent campaign of anti-quitters who swear to stay forever.
So I was on AGlovejess's channel this afternoon, and I was pretty sad to read that she's gone forever-ish. We were friends from the beginning but of course I still talk to her, but I miss having her around. We were the first generation. Back in the old days that so many of you missed out on when there was hardly 1000 of us and we were all fairly close, little kids who made crappy, and yet hilariously fun videos for ourselves and our friends. It was lovely. To be honest, I'd thought I was super popular and famous when I had 300 subscribers. That was a HUGE deal way back when. Anyways, We had made a valid point that related to so many of the girls who had left recently. Although she LOVED YouTube, and us, she has just grown apart from her dolls. As we get older, depending on the heavier workload we get in school, the sudden parties, more intense after school activities, we find ourselves losing the time we used to have to make videos, and as we use our dolls less, and less, we also lose that magic that they used to come accompanied with. It's sad, but you can't blame anything for beginning to like something less than you used to. Most girls that left would never sell their dolls, as they still love them, just not in the same way. These girls begin to love them for the memories, the connection to their childhood, and just the fact that our AGs are actually quite adorable, instead of the "I want to use my dolls all the time and make videos with them and buy them things" that most of us have. There is no set age for this transition, and some of us never lose this magic at all, but many girls do. Usually this begins in high school, as scary as it is. But remember, you don't have to go through that if it's not what you want. Girls only go through that because they feel it will make them happier, so if you're happy with your dolls, be all means, continue with them! I am. Anyways, the reason we're seeing so many girls leave is because I guess you could say, they've graduated. YouTube can be related to school in many ways... So back in 2007-2008, the first AGTubers started, and we were the only ones until around late 2009- early 2010, when everything really sprang up. We were the originals, and many of us at the time were just kids. I was 11, and lots of girls were 12-13. As time went on we were all loving it, and many of us really picked up views for simply being around so long and popping up to people because we were few. Therefor, people noticed us all. So time goes by, and like Toy Story taught us (tears to Jessie...) kids move on and begin to like new things. Not for any reason,just because they do. So a lot of these old "famous" girls are leaving because well, like their channels, they're old too. So theres a wave of graduates, all moving on at once because that's the stage of life they're in. Not all of them are doing it, but many are. It's sad, and it seems like a lot, but if you think about it, it's just a generation passing. I love so many of these girls, and it breaks my heart to think of AGTube changing this way, but it's time for new girls to love what they do, make something amazing, and I suppose, replace their incredible, and near irreplaceable videos. I'd never want a single one to leave, and I too was an advocate for the anti-quitters movement, but if it's what makes them happy, no matter how upsetting it is, we have to let them live their lives. They only get 1. Now this doesn't mean quit whenever. If it's over bullying or because you THINK you're too old, then don't go. We're a strong community and will support our sisters who are fighting off lowlife scum, and if you simply believe you're too old, or leaving because of your age, that's not the right reason. Leave if you aren;t happy here anymore. Not because you're too old. You're never too old until you feel as though you'd be happier gone. Nothing makes AGs immature, so don't let them fool you into believing that. What makes them so immature? NOTHING! If you love your dolls, and you love what you do, never go. Ever. We all need you here. So I thought we were falling apart, but as I think about it, we're not. The older channels are just stepping don for the new ones to move in. It makes me sad because I basically grew up on YouTube watching their loveable videos, and I slightly fear that it won't be the same but this gives all you quieter channels a fighting chance. Put in effort, make incredible videos, follow advice given, and just make something that is as good as what they've done, so we can all be happy and continue watching. I'm going to miss having the girls I started with around but if they feel bad here, I won't hold them back. So girls, let's pick it up, quit judging people and make AGTube the amazing, happy place I came to. Just work hard on your videos. We can all do something incredible, so let's do it. So to any of you old friends, I miss you a ton, and visit occasionally, and to the newbies, do something great. You all have talent. Life continues to roll and move on, and we can't stop it just as we can't stop a ball from rolling down a slippery slope, so let's just make the best out of what we have. We'll never get these moments of moping back, so let's not mope. Let's be happy about what's here, and just make it perfect. I won't be leaving in the near future, and I don't condone anyone else doing so, so everyone on breaks, let's all get back to what we love and just start something beautiful. Nobody should leave if they don't want to. Yeah, I took a break, but honestly, it settled flaring drama as I hoped it would and now I'm back and better than ever. No more breaks. No more bullying. No more forced leaving. Love.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mini Album

So yeah I'm posting again (Bad Ali) but I've been going through my family computer and I found a zillion old pictures of me and my dolls. Well not really... but a few! And there were more but I didn't feel like adding them =P Anyways, Enjoy!

Me and Cassey back when the only clothes Jess has was her meet outfit, so we swapped for a while. (Yeah that's what Cassey looks like... Shhh...)

Me and Jess on New Years eve 2006 at a hotel on a ski hill. I'd just gotten Coconut that Christmas.

Me and Jess on the ferry to Vancouver Island. Coincidentally enough, we recreated this trip last summer, and I got a replica picture too.

Just a little edited comparison/my current background.

Me and Jess at AG Place LA. Nicki was the girl of the year so I saw poor little Jess in an archives box and got a picture with it. This was also the first time I ever saw Julie! What a surprise that was!

Jess getting her hair done by a very fabulous woman... Mind you this was before we had a nice camera to it's extremely blurry.

And me with Jess on the fountain outside. From what I remember AGP was so fun and I can't wait to go again! I was shaking of excitement when I walked through the doors. Funny... I saw a picture of 2 girls holding their dolls on this very fountain on google once... =P

So these were me before I had YouTube back in 2006-2007 so I had braces and looked kinda terrible but I was only 9-11 in these pictures!

And a quick poem-y thing that I made despite it's lameness... I'm not a poet mind you =P

Current Goings On

So I'm taking a break if you haven't heard. My channel turned into a hate zone out of no where of people who I've never been cruel to in my life. They just flipped on my a ran up my comments box with mean comment after mean comment on something they didn't even know what they were talking about. Apparently I'm the rudest, most jealous and mean person ever. I don't remember who said it and honestly, I'm not going to bother checking, but the fact that all these people think that without even KNOWING me hurts a lot. So I'm breaking. It was going to be 2 weeks, but even after taking the comments off my page, someone to whom I've never spoken to, heard of, or even knew, and I doubt she knew me either put on my moderator, and I quote "Your so RUDE and Mean, whats you problem!". That was hard to read. Mostly because I want to think it's untrue as I don't have a problem and I have a feeling that this random kid is just putting that because she heard it from other people, but I'm really not going to reply to that. I'm not going to take it off either but I'm not giving that person a second of my time for a response. However, the fact that even though I'm breaking, I'm still attracting haters makes me want to extend the absence. I doubt I will as there are so many amazing girls who said they'll miss me but it's just difficult. The worst thing is, I didn't look for drama, I didn't even think this would create drama. I stated an opinion, backed up with facts and now that makes me a hater. The funny thing is, a lot of the comments were about how people are so mad at me for hating and making drama. Here's the thing, and opinion, and pointing out what's going on, isn't hate. Shouting insults at someone that are completely unproven are, and it's extremely ironic how the girls blaming me for hating and creating drama are actually the ones doing it. This is just so pathetic. I wasn't aware that we lived in a fascist society where stating an opinion results in the torture of cyberbullying. Yeah I'll say it. All the haters are cyberbullies. They've made me shy away from my own YouTube. And until they wake the heck up and realize that I didn't do anything to them, or ANYBODY and was actually trying to help them open their eyes to a new idea, I won't be coming back. I have a few videos to upload too but not until everyone realizes what they're doing. I'd like an apology but I doubt I'll get one. I just don't get why people don't even listen to what I say, they just spit out the hate. Especially because I've talked to many of these girls and befriended them, and now they've turned on me to defend a grown woman who ignores any greeting they try and send to her, and treats them like revenue. Nobody listens. You don't have to agree with me, but if you could listen to me, think about what I say and just base your decision off of that, then you can disagree with me. But you still can't hate. Well this is the last you'll heard from me for a while. I was excited too because I'd be meeting all these lovely people next month, starting a series that I'm DYING to do, and I have 8 stop motions lined up but now I'm being screamed at from all directions. I hate this. I've never been a part of drama because it's a bunch of temperamental 8 year olds crying over a little mishap, or something equal to that, and I just want everybody to be happy, nice and having fun. But no, now I'm being criticized first for making a channel with my friends, and now because I spoke out against somebody. And not out of a non existent reason either. I too miss the days when it was amazing to have 100 subscribers and you just made hilarious videos for fun, and nobody cared about fancy cameras and being the best. It's sounds really dumb coming from me I'm sure, but at this hate-rate, I'll be down to 100 in no time... Eh what do I care? At least I'll be having fun when all the bullies get the eff out. It's not about the subscribers, celebrate when you get a certain amount but don't make goals to try and beat people or be the most famous. I never did that and I still won't. The reason I came here was to be like unodosginger, and that's still why I'm here. To be like all the lovely YouTubers out there, and hopefully I will be one day, but I'm going to keep working for it on my break. Maybe I'll be better when I come back. And to any of the haters, if you're reading this I have 2 questions:
1) What did I ever directly do to you to make you feel upset in any way, as I was not talking about you are trying to be mean to anybody. Nor was I mean, it was an opinion based on truth.
2) Why are you even here? If you hate me so much for whatever ludicrous reason, I suggest you just go obsess over your queen. I mean of course I'm being completely inconsiderate like you say I am. That's exactly why I considered everything. This is just so so SO stupid. I don't want to leave. Stop making me, and if I suck so much, just unsubscribe and keeping wishing for the goddess to come back.
See you all on Halloween. Oh and I may upload a video about Seattle but that will be all. Spread this around. Peace.
-(A much less pleasant) Ali

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Follow Up

So I read through the comments and just thought I'd respond. A lot of people agreed with me, which is actually surprising because people don't like to think of someone that they loved for whatever reason in a bad way. But there were the opposite response and I'd just like to kinda add to what they were saying and such. That made no sense but whatever. So I guess people look up to her because she's older and still likes dolls. Fair enough, but there are a ton of other graduated girls who also make much better videos to look up to. I can't blame people for not finding them, but in all honesty, looking up to somebody who actually participate and care. Either way, you can look up to her for being her age, and I'm not looking for people my age to look up to me at all, but calling her the best YouTuber alive is a bit of a stretch. Just look around before you do. It's none of my business what she's up to but she could at least just stop making hollow promises. There was one comment that made particularly sad. A girl once again, closed minded and not caring enough to even consider my words, called me selfish and yelled at me about how I was being mean to the person that I've been talking about and am ruining chances of her coming back. Let me be honest, I truly don't care if she comes back, and it's not like she's going to care enough to read this. She showed me long ago that she wasn't interested in knowing that I'm alive and here, and I would be shocked if she ever did. Anyways, to the poster, if you read this, why do you adore her in such a way that you should scream-type at me? I would talk to you and be kind to you, while she treats you like a little nothing. Anyways, it's a personal choice for you to have such an adoration, and think that she's so much more amazing than I am, and that she will treat you better than anyone else will be that's fine. Use some crazy form of revenge by unsubscribing to me, because I'm not here for that. I'm here for people who like me and like my videos. Oh and she turned her back on me in 2009, so I don't even have any way to turn my back on her. I'll be nice to her when she's nice to everyone else, and I'm not being mean to her, I'm pointing out what's happening. It's the facts. Yeah, she's had kidney issues, but I have several small fractures in my knee, threw my back out, pulled out my IT band, wrecked my hip, and can barely walk but I don't use it as an excuse to just make a video. It hurts but I deal with it. And I don't complain about it, so I'm sorry I even typed that out. By the way, her issue was a year ago. I think you forgot how selfish Sarah's been over the years. So yeah, I truly don't care about losing a subscriber, I have a few people who stick around, my videos are being made for a reason and I'm fine. Now people have been saying I'm jealous. Of what? That I can't sew and she can? What's there to be jealous of? Like I say, I don't care about subscribers, I just respect the ones I have and am grateful I have them, and if I don't get anymore, so be it. If it's over this, that's ridiculous, because subscribers aren't like a friendship or revenge thing, they're a way to access my new videos. But if my videos are so boring or suckish that I don't deserve your subscription, that's the way it is. But if you're subscribing because you think I'm bullying a woman by stating facts about her even though she's never said a kind word to you, that's kinda uncool. Eh fine, your choice... I wish people would remember what subscribers are for... -_- Back to my point, I'm not jealous, I'm just I guess you could say angry. I'm angry that people let her walk all over them, and that people are all closed minded and don,t bother looking at what's happening. Yeah she can do what she wants, but people have to treat her the way she behaves. She behaves like she doesn't need to repay her subscribers, they should realize it and let her go. I don't need to be "top dog" but the "top dog" should be someone deserving. I could name 11 or 12 of them, so no I don't mean me. People are just turning my opinion into drama and it's really stupid, so I'm not allowing comments in this post because it just heats me up and I have to keep making more posts about something that I don't want to talk about because I'm a 14 year old kid who can't hold herself back... Once again stupid me. Well that's it. There's my opinion, now please let me forget about all this. It's just SO not worth it. I'm just going to get back to my videos and stop trying to remind people of the going ons. I'm just not going to allow myself to acknowledge any of this anymore. The end. Back to my own life.

Friday, October 21, 2011


This was not something I want to talk about, and I didn't think I'd have to but apparently people like to make things that I say into a controversy. I guess that's what happened in the boycott, and I realize that being on the internet, you have to handle hate, which I do by not responding, but I find it hard to not argue my opinion in an argument. So instead of writing it everywhere I'm putting up this incredibly stupid post. I want to forget about her because what she does to everyone drives me up the wall and around the corner. That her? Well typing her name makes me cringe a little, but if not you won't know who I'm talking about, but her it goes anyway... stephenswodadancer. Why I'm ever even mentioning her I don't know because honestly, I like to forget about her. See once upon a time, when I was just starting out, we were friends. We would talk and she was just the same as all of us. Then one day she magically became popular. Maybe it was because of her age, maybe it was because of her dolls, maybe it was because back then, and up until 2 years ago, she used to make videos that has a special something to them. Little stop motion dances that were fun and original to watch. Now, not so much. Anyways, she became this mega-star, her videos plastered everywhere, fan accounts, fan contests, everything! And that's when my knowing her stopped. I never got another reply from her. Mind you she only had around 1000 subscribers at the time because back then, that was all that AGTube was. Just a few hundred of us, not nearly the amount there is now. Anyways, I guess she was too busy to reply to anyone, including friends. I remember messaging her a valid help question about the partner program, as she had claimed at one point that she was a partner, and I got no reply. That's why I waited forever to sign up... It's ironic now to me though... Continuing on, the fact that I wasn't good enough to be her friend anymore, and that she'd moved onto more famous people to make friends with, isn't what bothers me. It's how she treats everyone else. Here's the thing, you can leave for 6 months without a words notice, promise everything and never bring it, only ever make videos advertising something for yourself, or making an excuse, after excuse, after excuse, and leave all of your subscribers clinging on, but it's just totally wrong if you're the biggest person in the community. It bothers me that she has all of this that she doesn't deserve. I'm telling you, I hardly even sleep because I'm always up doing something, and yet I find time (in the early hours of the morning on the weekends mind you XD) to reply to everyone. I find the time to make a video of 2 every week and to acknowledge every single person who has bothered to say hello to me. Why? Because they deserve it for being a good person, and I want to treat them with the same amount of respect as the give me. I'm not too good for any of you, and any of you can do what I do with a little effort. Most of you do better than me anyway so it's obvious XD All I want everyone to think about are 3 things.
1: What makes her videos the "best" on AGTube? Why aren't basilmentos, or Asterietoile's videos the best? What makes hers so incredibly special that allows her the title of the BEST EVER? The rest of AGTube puts of videos weekly, or more often, we all put so much effort and hard work into them and yet nobody bothers to say that anyone else is the best. Personally, I'm not even subscribed the she-who-must-not-be-named (No, not Voldemorts feminine side...) because I haven't found her videos worth watching since she stopped making original, cool to watch videos 2 years ago, and I don't care about when they come out anymore because I don't feel as though I should watch them over some underrated girl's music video. I almost feel like she's just been considered the best because she's usually who people stumble across first. If you search American Girl Dolls on YouTube, I swear she takes up the first 2 pages and so that's who you find and that's who you worship. That doesn't make them the best though. I mean she could at least use a clear camera, or get some decent lighting or something aesthetically appealing for my eyes to enjoy. The videos just don't do it for me, so why would I watch them when I could watch some of the real best YouTubers. Quality comes through effort, and to me, the effort just isn't there. And lack of effort is not a type of video.
2: She's always "busy". Always, always, always. But last I was notified, she had a 9-5 job, doesn't even go to school anymore, and I'm pretty sure, at least to my knowledge, adults come home and just kinda get themselves food, clean up, and then relax all evening. So how is she busy? No, I don't know her schedule, but I know my own, and mine is busier than my working parents who are also raising 2 children. I basically leave for school at 8:00, and get home at 4:30 because I suffer and hour long commute via city transit (16th birthday please come soon!) then I have dance for most of every night, usually getting home around 9:30-9:45, and when I first get home from school, it's homework. Then every other Saturday I'm at dance fro 9:00-7:30 (That is not a typo, I'm literally there for 10 and a half hours without a break) and have every other Sunday morning too. Then I usually shove YouTube in on my other weekend when I only have 2 and a half hours on Saturday and a free Sunday and get all my filming done for the next week. Oh and I reply to messages around 1:30-3am, because that's when I can get it done. Only on weekend nights though, I need SOME sleep XD Anyways, if you're willing to take on a position that she's in, you have to make time for it, and if you can't stop excusing yourself, admit it, and stop soaking up the fame without having to do anything for it. Nobody wants to be a Kim Kardashian.
3: The biggest thing for me is how people solidly defend her when she doesn't deserve that from the either. Yes I think everyone should be treated like an equal on YouTube, and that's what bothers me. This situation makes me a little sick. To the people saying I'm being so mean to her, what has she done for you to deserve your dedication and servitude? Why are you defending someone who doesn't bother to reply to you. It's surprisingly easy to do if you're willing to put effort into it. Why are you sticking up for someone who's never said a kind word to you, helped you, or been a friend to you in your entire life? And why are you standing up for this person, against someone who actually tries to communicate with anyone who will so much utter a hello? I actually want everyone to feel important on here, because without them, I'm nothing, meanwhile she treats you all like swarming fans in which she has the right to have. What is it that she's done to you to make you adore her in such a way that you feel the need to excuse her for her neglect? I'm not saying she has to be a part of the community anymore. All I'm saying is that if she isn't going to be, she should stop promising that she's coming back for good. So until she's a friend to you, she doesn't deserve your valiant acts to defend her honor, because usually the person pointing out what nobody wants to hear, is kinda right.
So that's it. I'm not speaking of her again and I'm sorry that I had to. I don't hate the girl. I get that she's had health issues, but so have I, I just don't worry people over it. I could write out a page of my ailments but I won't because people will worry over me, when they don't have to. Back to what I was saying, I hope she begins to treat people as they treat her, or just vanishes off of YouTube for good and actually tells people about it so everything can subside and we can go back to the place where there isn't a goddess who can do no wrong. I'm not bullying her or talking trash about her, I'm stating my observations and facts. Coming back for a day every six months is not coming back, so I don't think that anyone should believe it anymore. Three's far too many. UGH RANTING AGAIN, BAD ALI. So yeah, that's it. That's my reasoning. Just please, think about what you're going to say, and think about why you're saying it before you do.
Outta sight, outta mind.
Peace, Ali.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Real People

So I was looking at messages and the thought came up of one suddenly thinking of me as a real person with a real life, and to be honest, I just started thinking of the same thing. I guess you can't really think of someone living a life out of YouTube when you've never seen them before. I know I haven't. You know, with friends, family, activities, school, even just living life. Maybe sleeping! It's just never crossed my mind. Therefor, I'm curious, what do any of you readers think, when you think of me living my real life? What do you imagine when you see me? I'm just so curious! I realize that a large part of us AGTubers are school outcasts, myself included for a large part, so none of us live these fabulous, perfect life, but when I come to think of mine, I have it really good. Actually it shows because most of the time I'm known as a smiley, sweet, and "cute" (I'm ALWAYS the cute one because apparently I'm far to innocent and adorable for a 14 year old XD) and it's not even a fake mask. I have good parents, a solid home, we aren't broke (Or rich though,,, sigh... -dreams of owning her own movie studio-) a sibling who DOESN'T hate me, actual friends, the ability to make new ones, decent grades (for French immersion that is) somewhat of a talent here and there, and just a generally good life. I have almost NOTHING to complain about! (Despite my currently painful popped out hip, knee issues and occasional outcastness) I don't live in a hut in Africa, I don't have depression, I've never cut myself, or wanted too, or ever thought of killing myself, and life's generally bright. You don't need to be super popular to be happy. At least not at my school. Us normal level girls, of which the popular girls DO converse with in classes, not that it matters much, all get along, don't have drama or boyfriends (surprisingly only the popular kids and band kids date at my school... XD) and I just feel like I have a lot of friends. Now I realize not everyone is so lucky to have such a stream of good things going on, but I just want you to remember, if you live in a developed country, your life is already better than at least half of the world. And so what if you're not super popular, make friends with the girls at your "level" (ugh labels...) and just love them! Who cares how cool they are! My friends are WAY cooler than any of those "cool" girls! And MUCH funnier! Speaking of which, when describing your vision of me, whatever I'm doing, tell me what you think some of my friends are names, just curious ;D Then I'll tell you how I kinda live next post. Funny thing, this blog was for news, now it's my venting and advice place! (MUST CONVERT TO NEWS. Nahhh...) Speaking of THAT, I might make an advice tab on here because I have things for that and people come to me for it, and sometimes we all just need a little happy boost or tip =) (Brotips is a good place to start, that is if you're okay with the occasional crude humor... WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT? THIS IS THE INTERNET! IT'S ALL CRUDE HUMOR! Seriously though, if you're under 13, I can relay the tips to you in a more suitable manner XD) Anyways I had one other thing... We've all been bullied and alone... RIGHT! Okay so many of you have noticed my header, and asked what it's about, and well AmericanGirl077's new video (featured on my channel) really explains it all. So many amazing girls are growing out of dolls... so many that I basically formed my channel watching, many that I watched before I had it! Old friends... old heros... gone...
And literally a million more that I can't even remember anymore :'(
Click HERE for the video.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Here's a rant post because I feel like freaking ranting. AGUnicorns is probably one of the worst mistakes that anybody's ever made. I wish I'd never wanted to share it and I wish I'd never told people about it. All I wanted was to make music videos. However I can't, so I needed a second channel to do so but it'd be pointless to have my own because I'd hardly ever be able to update it so when the other girls all wanted the same thing, it seemed like one of the most fun things possible to do because I'd be sharing a channel with friends, but OH NO. I can't be FRIENDS with people on YouTube! That'd be far too much like real life, where people get hurt! People just blew this whole thing way out of proportions. They were all "offended and left out" because they weren't involved in our Facebook messages, that we've been talking on for months, that led up to the mutual creation of the channel. After all, everybody ever should have the right to be part of the shared channel, right? And yet no matter how many times I explain it, I can't catch a break from the constant criticism. First people were being "excluded" just like at school and I had become this popular queen who was bullying everyone and I OBVIOUSLY made this channel all on my own and CHOSE the most POPULAR people on YouTube to share it with! And I OBVIOUSLY think I'm the best and most popular person on YouTube! That's totally why I spend hours replying to everyone, helping anybody that asks, and attempt to make friend with anyone who acknowledges my existence! Because I think I'm better than everyone! I mean I OBVIOUSLY said that in my video! Of course I said "I'm the best and most famous on YouTube and everyone should spit shine my shoes!!!" Then I went on to be criticized for not "allowing" (because this is soooo my thing) every older girl on YouTube to be in this channel! Of course I worded it to sound like an egomaniac! Of course I wanted everybody to feel left out! Like I said, this channel was all me. The funny thing is, I never even made the freaking channel! I just made a video about it so people would know! This is honestly out of control. My first instinct is to leave AGUnicorns because everyone else wants to stay but I can't continue to handle this crap. However I'm dying to make some music videos so I guess that's not an option. I also considered taking a break from YouTube until everybody takes a chill pill and realizes that they aren't all entitled to share a channel that they weren't involved in the creation process of, and if they aren't "chosen" to be on it, then they should be entirely offended. I'm REALLY tired of people telling me that I'm certainly not allowed to be friends with any of these girls, some I've known for years, simply because they are defined as "popular". In fact this popularity crap has gone wildly out of control! I can tell that every single person who was "excluded" by the new "clique" of YouTube (Mind you I have many other friends in which I am equally involved it but since all the sharers of AGUnicorns are equally close, we tend to do things together) only wanted to be in it for subscribers and popularity. WHO THE HECK CARES ABOUT POPULARITY? I truly don't and never did. Not once in my career here did I EVER ask or bribe anyone to subscribe me, and guess what, I started from 0 and WORKED my way to the position that everyone else put me in, and I work extremely hard to stay there. Not because I love the feeling of being "famous" but because I want to improve myself and to be kind to everybody. This means 175 messages a week, 2 videos a week and dealing with situations like these. People seem to think that this channel is all for the most popular, and best AGTubers but honestly, I would put many many MANY other girls on that channel before myself, because my videos have a long way to go. Oh wait, I shouldn't have said that, I'm an egomaniac right? Right... Anyways this fun solution has turned to the biggest headache that I've faced since summer 2010 and it's only worsening because no matter who I explain it, I'm saying something wrong and leaving someone out so the videos are gone. The only reason I said nobody else could be on in that video was so that I wouldn't have to answer six billion comments asking because everyone wants to be in with the "popular" girls... -insert eye roll at the word popular here- Not to exclude anyone. It was for us because we made it as a collective. It's funny because I was and have never been, nor am a popular girl at school, and since I'm painfully shy, I never will be. I was actually bullied a few years back and would hide around the school looking for a place to eat so that people wouldn't see me alone. I was excluded from everything, but I put on my big girl panties and made friends because they were kind to me. Popularity gets you no where and I'm not searching for it. Subscribe to me because you like to watch my videos, not for any other reason. Anyways I better get it out there that THIS MESSAGE WAS NOT TO OFFEND ANYONE because everyone seems to be so easily offended lately. It's just my incoherent ranting that made no chronological sense whatsoever. Thank you for getting this far if you did. And by the way, I removed the videos and am hoping to help everyone forget them because I can't flipping stand answering the comments anymore. Which brings me to another point: As much as I DETEST letting haters get off saying random crap on my videos, I'm just not replying to them. Even if they say something completely ludicrous. It's just not worth the time. Instead I'm going to reply to all the kind comments (If that's possible seeing there are so many XD) because those people are worth the time =) Anyway you're also one of those fantastic people for reading this!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


So things just are wow. I'm just yay. If you haven't heard, 2 of my very close friends (WHO I'M MEET A MONTH FROM TODAY AHHHHH) AmericanGirl077 and AmericanGirl088 are back forever. If you didn't know, their channels got found by people from school at the start of the summer and they had to leave. Then they started up some new channels (AGNoelle and LaughDanceAG) but AGNoelle got found again so that was it. AG088 came back first, and then AG077 followed after some encouragement from us all XD So now their videos are back for good and it's ahhhhh! Plus I feel so happy to be meeting them and my new plan for series, and everything! Oh and about AGUnicorns, people seem to think we're come exclusive club collab but that isn't the case at all. The 7 of us just kinda bonded over being in the same collab, and being the older girls of AGTube so we started talking on facebook (and no I can't add anyone without knowing them REALLY well...) and then tinychatting and we just kinda bonded and became tight. It wasn't because we were popular. I would've made friends with anyone of any popularity if it had been the same way. It's kinda about the whole being older thing that really brought us together because we're going through the same things and it just worked out this way. In fact the reason that I really liked them was because they didn't treat me like some special celebrity that I'm not, they treated me like a normal kid which I am. Not that I don't like compliments but true friendship isn't built off of fandome haha! XD So anyways, I was wishing the other day that I had originally just had a shared channel with friends (of course I didn't know anybody back then) So that videos would be more frequent and I wouldn't have to stress about uploading all the time. At first I was thinking, why don't we all just collectively move to someones channel and upload our individual videos there to make them more often and people would watch more but the whole idea was too complicated and nobody wanted to leave their channel, and then Marissa came up with this! My favourite part of this channel is that we aren't caring about copyright or partnerships so I can upload all sorts of MVs and not care! Anyways, we aren't friends because we're all so "popular" or anything, we just kinda are, and we wanted to do this together, not to exclude anybody and make them feel inferior, but just so we'd have a place to all upload secondary videos and not have them up all the time. This isn't a collab or some kind of opportunity, it's just an extra one. So please don't feel excluded. In fact some of the people who said they did I had never even spoken to before so I'm not sure why they did... We all make our friends, and they just happen to be my closest. So we aren't "taking" anybody because that's not at all what this is about. People are looking at this as a collab where it will attain heavy focus and many see it as their opportunity to hitch a ride on some coattails and be "popular". Well it's not. In fact that's not what YouTube's about. I'm here for videos. Not to be a queen, or to be a celebrity, but just to do something I love. I started at 0 and never expected this, and yet I got this far on my own. Anybody can! Making videos is simple if you put out effort and google things now and then! The only reason I'm here is because I'm literally an ANCIENT AGTube channel who is old enough to remember kitkittredge... Great channel... But in the end, this is just a shared extra channel so that we can put extra stuff up without the risk of boring subscribers so don't fret! We're not taking over like some major mega corporations. We're just friends making videos. Videos that don't go on our own channels. So I hope you understand. Also I'm cool with being anyone's friend, as long as they don't try and force a friendship on me. I made friends with Alex, Katie, Lydia, Marissa, Lexi and Aly out of mutual interest and coincidence and we just kinda clicked! I have plenty of less popular friends on here, just kinda on their own and not in a group. We aren't some cliquey little group of the most popular girls in school. We consider ourselves at the same level as the rest of you. It's not all about the power =)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Second Post Today!

So I know I've already posted today but I have something kinda important to say. So maybe it's because I have to get them all done fast, maybe it's because I have to film it all outside, but I'm really starting to dread filming Search + Destroy. I just can't find a fitting series lately. DO NOT WORRY THOUGH I WILL PULL THROUGH AND FINISH THIS ONE AS I'M ALMOST DONE IT ANYWAYS but it's just not fun and YouTube's about fun right? So when I do The Ballerina Project, I'm doing something to make it more fun. I really love making little stop motions so I think I'm gonna go for shorter episodes on the ballerina project, probably 5-7 minutes, and that way I can make stop motions more often too! It just seems like so much more fun to be able to do that. =) I have no want to leave YouTube so I'm going to make it more fun in order to stay! I'm just excited to finish S+D (Episode 6 is awful though... =/) Anyways that's about all I had to say in this post! Thanks for clicking! Also, AmericanGirl088 has braved the bullying and come back! CHECK HER OUT!


SO I AM SO EXCITED THAT I JUST MIGHT EXPLODE!!! I'm going to AGP Seattle on Saturday November 12th and I'll probably be there around 2:30-3:00 and then for a few hours! Also I'm meeting LaughDanceAG and AGNoelle and we're taking the ferry down together and we're staying at the same place so it's going to be amazing! I have my wishlist (an undecided doll which I'll pick and open there, the ballerina outfit, the cozy sweater outfit, the raspberry glasses and several extras as I've been saving like crazy for this day!) and I'll also for sure get a picture with every single person I meet there (COME 1 COME ALL!!!) and I'm bringing and autograph book so I can get a signature from everyone! =D I AM BEYOND EXCITED! I'll bring Peyton and Asia and may get Kanani there, or someone else depending on what I feel like... FIRST DOLL I'M GETTING AT A REAL AGP! WOOT! Also I'll probably use the pictures for a background so I'm gonna have to get everyone to sign the autograph book in the same order as the photos taken so that way I can make sure everything's in order! Oh and if you don't want your photo on there then I'll just take note of that! XD Anyways this will be the best day ever. DEFINITELY. Oh and another thing, obviously the 1000 miles MV dosn't belong to me and comes from a famous YouTuber that left (we all know who I think XD) And I was talking to her yesterday and she said how she missed having that video up and asked if she could put it on my channel (100% credit to her of course) And I was like OF COURSE THAT IS AMAZING AND I WOULD ADORE TO BE ABLE TO SEE IT AGAIN =D So just remember that her amazing work of art does not belong to me and I'm just posting it so everyone can see it! She even uploaded it herself from her computer hehe! Last thing, people wanted to know why the boycott post vanished and it's for 2 reasons:
1) It was mainly because I wanted my news updatey post with all the info to still be on the front page, and so I put the other one on private but then I realized that that won't last forever and therefor, I will just remind you, if you haven't seen the updates post (2 posts ago) READ IT IT IS SO IMPORTANT.
2) It was a bit just because the thing was causing an uproar that I really wasn't into dealing with so it went bye-bye ;D

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Plain Tees

So I decided that I don't like the tees that I've been silk screening and didn't want to continue using them as the lovely MonChatDansLaLune has agreed to make me some much more adorable LJC ones! However I still have 11 or so plain shirts left, and nothing to do with them. So I decided to sell them on my Etsy for 6 dollars as the were 5.49$ to buy and envelopes and stuff costs about 50 cents more so I just rounded it up, and you can buy them plain to do whatever with! Silk screen whatever you want on them yourself, use them for layering, dress your boy doll in them, WHATEVER! But yeah I'll have them up until I run out so check it out! =)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

How busy am I?

So as you can tell videos and message replies have been slow lately from me, and I know I've said it before but I want to make it completely clear just in case. I have school full time, several hours of homework after school, an online class (that I'm doing as I type this XD), 1-4 hours of dance a day (excluding Wednesday =D) and sleep (of which little I get) but I still have no interest in quitting YouTube whatsoever! I mean who really needs a social life and hanging out with friends? Not I! They're busy too so it's all good... Therefor I'd just like to give you the YouTube schedule. I film on weekends, and right now I'm just fighting to get S+D fully filmed and finished super early so that I can get all the episodes done before selling Mason. Once S+D is done then I'll start working on fun little videos and stuff and then after Seattle I'll start TBP, putting an episode out a week, and hopefully getting a stop motion out each week too. Now I'd upload during the week, but my computer can take up to 8 hours to upload something so I usually do that on weekends. As for messages, I've found that I get around 175 in the span of a week, so I'd like it to be known that I answer messages on weekends. Therefor, don't panic when I don't reply to you within the hour, and don't send me 100000000 more messages asking the same thing thinking that I haven't responded yet, because I will. Another thing, I'm basically quitting everything on the internet besides YouTube, this blog and etsy, so that's why I'm off LDC, facebook and anything else. I'm also trying to maintain a low profile, as to not be discovered, so I'm no longer showing my face much. Oh and people have been begging for the Peyton results but remember I have almost 200 videos to watch (How does Liberty Jane do it?) and so getting it all judged is plenty of work... One other thing, I have my computer back and it's working just fine so YAY! =D Last thing, it's getting on my nerves a lot lately that people are just being awful... I've had a lot of hate comments (what's new) but they almost immediately apologize after saying that it was all out of jealousy and "please don't be mad!!!" Well OF COURSE I'M MAD! They say I'm pathetic, make up ludicrous crap and whine about how I ruin their life when I've never spoken to them, then turn around and say that they actually look up to me and want to be like me! Really? If you liked a person why would you say that? Why would you put something to make someone that you like feel sad? They're lucky I'm not depressed and that I didn't decide that their comment didn't cause me to lose the will to live. Remember, if you don't mean the comment, don't put it, and if you don't have anything else to say, why put them down? It's just sad. You never know what the person you're talking to is going through. (I'm not going through anything, I'm all good but I mean in general.) It's just bullying, and making someone feel bad doesn't do anything for you. It just makes everything worse. Bullying me won't give you more subscribers, and as these people are learning it actually does the OPPOSITE effect. And to anyone else going through this kinda thing, ALWAYS remember, haters want to bring you down because you're above them. The fact that you're a good enough person not to hate puts you on top of them without anything else even taken into account! Why? Because you're a good person. I'm also sick of the haters (to whom my "fans" or as I call them "awesomazing peeps" destroy before I even read the hate comment :') ) begging for forgiveness right after. Well I've been handing out second chances to people who are outright mean long enough and I'm tired of it. I don't want to give anymore. If you consciously think that it's a great idea to bully me, then you don't deserve a second chance. You made your decision to hurt me so why should I allow you to be my "best friend" now. You can apologize, and I'll let you go, but I'm not going to suddenly be super kind to you because if hurts. Only maybe as much as pin prick as I'm fairly head strong, but it hurts nonetheless and I'm not going to forget everything that happened. Anyways, that's all I really have to say today so spread the anti-hate love and keep posting kind comments. =)

Saturday, September 24, 2011


So this post will be about a lot, hence the rainbow reference as rainbows have lots of colours, this post speaks of many things. First, things that make me happy! (For a wonderful change!!!) So I have 3 things that I would like to tell you guys that make me happy!

1) YOU! I am actually so happy with all the fantastic blog readers here! Your comments are just so insightful and wonderful, and the fact that you put up with my useless rants for posts on end that nag and bore is amazing! I just love it! Sadly blogger doesn't seem to like me commenting, so I can never reply, but take this as my reply! I especially lived a lot of the comments on my last posts as they were all just... intelligent! ^_^ I just love that haha! So a million times thank you! =D

2) 1000 SHIPS! The response to my music video has been... magical! XD I didn't think it was all that... (My hands were in it, the shaky-ness, the light...) of course I never seem to be happy with my videos but everyone has just been so incredibly positive and loving it that I just adore checking the comments! It's just fantastic to know that people really do like my videos! This reminds me about how much I miss making music videos though, because ever since the partnership was approved, I can't make a music video without asking the producer and they'd never reply to a little person like me... Ahh well I hope to make them periodically just to see all the fantastic comments I receive!

3) 1000 SHIPS IS EVERYWHERE! So maybe not everywhere, but the aforementioned music video has been in 2 very lovely places! (Besides all the fantastic favourites boxes =D) The first being RACHEL PLATTENS FAVOURITES BOX! The actual artist of the song I used not only saw, but FAVOURITED my song which is absolutely INCREDIBLE! I almost died... it was just.... AHHHHHHH -insert heavenly music here- The second place WAS FEATURED ON DOLL DIARIES! -points to fancy pink badge on the left- That's right, I was actually seen by one of the ladies who blogs on doll diaries and spotlighted on there for 1000 ships and the message around it was just wondrous! I was in total shock. So many more should be there before me... XD 1000 ships and Music in Me are probably my 2 best video decisions ever.

Next I'd like to do a mini news update...

1) SEATTLE IS BEING BOOKED TOMORROW! To my excitement it seems as though I will actually be going and meeting epic people and buying a doll for reals at AGP! AHHHHHHHHHHH! -dies- I am ridiculously excited for this and I can't wait until November. YAYAYAY! I wish I could go everywhere though... =/

2) Search + Destroy has been linked quite a bit to the Hunger Games (for good reason) and I understand that they are similar, but believe me when I say that it gets different! I'd hate to be that "copier girl" or whatever... that would suck.

3) Mason/Noah is going on ebay around the last week of October so look out for him and bid!

4) If you ever so wanted a boy doll and can supply said doll, feel free to send him/her here with a wig request and I can do "the change" (Well hopefully that is...) Just make sure to message me first! ;D

5) Tees haven't been selling well so I'd just like to say that MonChatDansLaLune has offered to make me some cuter cut tees to sell so hopefully those will move better! And I think I'll mark down the less attractive ones to sell them as they were expensive to make... -_- Anyway look out for that!

6) My new banner has some fancy link things on them that I recommend you try out because I specifically learned map coding to make them, so just give those fancy boxes a click, and see where they take you! Also speaking of which, I made the BG on windows paint and picnik, so anyone can do it! ;D


NOW FOR MY BIG SPEECH! I have realized lately that we AGTubers are our own... breed... we have a similar type of personality. We're a little more geeky and tech savvy, we have no interest in growing up and we're all pretty chill and sweet girls and honestly, I love that! I've made so many friends who are just so much like me from all these different places and it make mes feel less alone! Not that I am alone, because I'm lucky. A lot of my YT friends make friends more with boys because the girls at their school are so dramatic, and they just don't fit in with their different personality, but I for one am lucky. We have our obnoxious popular party girls, who all eat in a clump in the cafeteria, but I belong to the social level of cool, calm and funny girls around the school. I'm lucky to know so many other girls who could fit into the AG community, if they liked AG that is, just because they act like that. However I'm just so grateful that all of us girls who are so similar could meet and become friends, so what I'm trying to say is, thank you for being so awesome. And DFTBA. Vlog brothers fans anybody? No? Okay... But just don't stop being like you. =)

So I better be on my way as I have like 300 neglected messages to reply to over the last week (SHAME ALI SHAME) so I better get on that, since I won,t be sleeping to the loud university party next door... (2 days in a row... woooh...) So thank you for reading my rainbow. =)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So I often find comments on my videos telling me that I, an anglophone, mispronounce words. Words that the commenters can barely spell. This irks me just a tad but you see I am not in fact pronouncing it wrong. It's called an accent. Now not even I ever really noticed that I had one until people started saying such comments to me. Apparently in America, everything is pronounced more with an "ay" or "ah" sound such has bahg (bag) and sarry (sorry) where as in Canada, we have a tad more of a British tone to our words and say it as baig (apparently but I don't even get how you guys say bag) and sorry. So as unfortunate as it is there is no reason to "correct" my "pronunciation" as I didn't commit a fault. I know how people just loooooooove to correct me sans raison (Kit vs Kate ring a bell?) but I'd appreciate them stopping. Of course none of you reading this would right? ;D -Ali

Sunday, September 18, 2011


So today I go to upload he videos I shot today for Search + Destroy and as I went to log onto my computer, it did all this crazy blue screen stuff and it's basically crashed which is kinda terrible. Luckily I didn't loose any YouTube stuff, but unluckily I've lost a lot of vacation photos... Anyway, that aside, my yet again awesome brother is letting me share his laptop that he rarely uses until my computer is fixed or I can buy a knew one... I AM getting kinda close-ish to my mac so that may be soon anyway but I kinda want my computer back as I hate the keyboard I'm currently using. OH THE TYPOS! Anyways don't worry about, nothing will change for you, but I just thought that since it does have a lot to do with YouTube, that I'd share! -Ali

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Blowing Stuff Up

So I'm sure you're thinking "Ali must be referring to her messages being blown up!" Well I actually mean legit blowing explosives up. For my new series anyway... So my brothers pretty much a scientist and for some reason has rocket engines laying around and since my new series is based during a civil war type thing, explosions are kinda necessary, so I put him on effects and props! That means that he's going to be rigging legit little explosions! I sincerely hope the the dolls do NOT die... XD Nah I'll make sure everything's all safe and sound! Anyway the new intro is going to be up pretty much today and hopefully I'll start the first episode tomorrow! Also Search & Destroy isn't like a giant series or anything, just a fun experiment to try something new so it's just going to be until TBP can start after my Seattle trip! =) PS S&D is going to be kinda intense and a little violent so it'll probably be viewer discretion advised, because someone DOES die... but he's the bad guy so it's okay! XD Last thing, I made the second boy doll Noah/Mason/Nameless boy yesterday and he's all done and I'll sell him after I do the 10 episodes of S&D! AUCTION YAY! =DDD He's quite cute actually! Anyways sorry for the several spoiler alerts in this, so don't tell anyone what you've just read! Except you can tell them the following stuff that I just remembered to add! I made my new BG and banner and all that last night using a template I found on google, windows paint, and picnik so it was just a lot of hand work... =P Also try clicking the symbols for etsy, the blog and my backup on the banner because they actually take you there! Yay for learning HTML! Kinda... Anyways that is all for now! =) -Ali

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tee Problem

So like many, I'm not a fan of the neckline of the tees I have. If I could actually sew, I'd try and make them a tad more attractive but I'm sure I'd end up ruining them in the process. So here's the deal. I'm going to TRY to find more adorable shirts, maybe something made from Liberty Jane patterns or the likes (I'd sew them myself, but once again I fail at sewing... XD) if I can get a good enough deal, but this MAY cause the price to rise to a point. I'm going as cheap as I can though. I had a heck of a time finding a place to get shirts from that didn't require a business license or US residence, so this was honestly the best I can do, but I'm trying to work something better out. Anyways, I'm going to keep the tees at the same price, but I may end up discounting them if I can get cuter tees in to silk screen and sell. That way you can get these ones for cheaper if they don't sell. Anyways, If you are interested, I have my Etsy to the left and I'll post pictures of the current tees below. Thanks! =) -Ali
Sunglasses Tee
Team Ali Tee
Names Tee Oh and one last note, if you buy a shirt and take a photo of your doll wearing it, your doll will be featured in a future background of mine! =) Just email it to me!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Etsy, TPW and Epic Movie

NEWS NEWS NEWS! So with 10000 subscribers looming in the distance tees are out in perfect timing! That's right, 15 shirts are done, and I have 12 more to do this evening! I'll have them up on etsy ASAP and I'll have the shirts around 10$ CAD because they cost 6.50$-ish just to make so I'm not actually getting that much... Sorry for the inconvenience! Anyways I hope if you buy one you like it and I'll have the commercial up ASAP! Also I'm currently finishing up and episode of TPW but it may be on hold again as I intend on doing an on going movie type thing based off of The Hunger Games, Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension, and several revolutions, so I'd like to work on that ASAP as well! Hopefully when that's done TBP can begin! This movie may be a tiny bit violent as well so it'll end up being PG! It's kinda different though so I hope you enjoy! -Ali

Saturday, September 10, 2011


So I was talking with my mom and in order for the AGP trip to be affordable, looks like we'd be going to Seattle... Sorry if that's super far from you and I'd absolutely love to go to Chicago, but it's just so expensive... :/ Anyways as for my ideas, the dates would still be the same, from the 11th to the 14th, and I'd probably go to AGP on the 12th sometime during the afternoon which would be announced in the official plan. So yeah I'd just kinda shop and hope and pray that people come! It would be much more amazing that way! =P Oh and because this is so short I kinda wanna say something that's been bothering me. Negativity. So I guess it just seems like the amount of cruel commenters has jumped up lately and it's not so much soul crushing as it is extremely obnoxious. I even had it on this very blog... Anyways to anyone who has commented something cruel absolutely anywhere, not here, not just to me, but anywhere. Let's be frank. You legitimately have no life. The people who actually waste their time to write something that's mean, I have a question for you. Why? Why do you do that? Do you enjoy making other people feel bad? If you do that's just kinda pathetic. I suggest you just wake up and realize that you are hurting people. I personally find haters kinda ridiculous and actually quite below me, which is rare for me to say, but some people take it to heart, and it's that one tick that makes them break down. Worst of all, imagine if the person you were hating on died? That did indeed happen on AGTube in 2009. Anna, an AGTuber, accidentally drowned in her friends pool in 2009, and she was subject to blunt bullying and racism from a hater on youtube who frequently hated on her for being half asian. Then one day, she was dead and he's still sorry. So just think about it. You're hurting real, living people like yourself. f course we all know haters aren't human right? XD Ah well I know 90% of you shouldn't even find this applicable because you are all AWESOME but I'd just like to share it... =P -Ali PS I'm working on getting something out this weekend because I've been terrible with videos lately.